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Members in Developer Test

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Events 20 Sep 2024 to 26 Sep 2024

Events 20 Sep 2024 to 20 Oct 2024

2   results  of 20 members    with


view member profile "Philip "
2 badges


Lead Product Manager
1 Connection
12 Credits
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I help support our uber-talented team of designers, developers and testers to continue to improve our community platform. My responsibility is to make sure they get the information they need to solve the right problems and make sure the platform con ... 

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view member profile "Made Open"
2 badges

Made Open

Building better communities
16 Activities
5 Connections
2000 Credits
  • Befriending

We are an independent community technology company on a mission to help communities be more sustainable and resilient. Our award winning community software empowers people to share knowledge, exchange time and collaborate. By shifting the focu ... 

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