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3 badges

Geoff Muskett

Designer & front-end developer


Designer & front-end developer

TLDR; I spend most of my time making Made Open's community platforms pretty and easy-to-use. 

Whether planning a new feature or redesigning an existing one, I take developments on from the idea phase. I design them, build the front-end (what the user sees and interacts with) and sometimes I code the back-end developments too (the logic that makes everything work). I do this all in collaboration with the whole Made Open team. And what a team it is - we all work really well together.

To be honest, sometimes I wonder whether a day spent making a menu expand and contract nicely is a good use of time. After all, there are thousands of ways I could be spending my time. However, seeing the positive impacts that our platforms have had shows that design time for each detail is really important.

I believe in aggregation of marginal gain (philosophy stolen from GB cycling). In my eyes that means making the platforms a little bit better every day. Over time you get great results.

Here's to nicely expanding menus!

Other than agonising over user interface details, I have two kids, love sport, have two dogs and three fancy chickens.

TLDR; I spend most of my time making Made Open's community platforms pretty and easy-to-use.  Whether planning a new feature or redesigning an existing one, I take developments on from the idea phase. I design them, build the front-end (what the user sees and interacts with) and sometimes I code the back-end developments too (the logic that makes everything work). I do this all in collaboration with the whole Made Open team. And what a team it is - we all work really well together. To be...


This badge highlights members who are helpers in their community, offering their time to others.

Awarded 13th July 2022

This badge is awarded to members of the community that are active networkers, identifying common ground between members and making introductions.

Awarded 13th July 2022

This badge is awarded to members of the community that are active networkers, identifying common ground between members and making introductions.

Awarded 13th July 2022

Associated with 1 member


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