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John Ramstien

Managing Director at Social-Ability


Managing Director at Social-Ability

At 12 years old, I experienced first-hand the difficulties of a loved one living with cognitive challenges when my father was diagnosed with dementia.

I dedicated my younger years, while studying at Winchester College and French & Linguistics at Oxford University, to helping care for my father until he sadly passed away.

Although I started my professional career at Linklaters in London, working as a corporate lawyer (whilst also working on secondment at Goldman Sachs, Unilever and Linklaters Amsterdam & Singapore), my experience of caring for his father led me to leave the City and pursue a new business venture in the dementia care industry.

I began learning about interactive light technology and how this could make a huge difference to people living with dementia.

I spent several years in the sector, developing products and working with some of the biggest care groups. This led me to start my own business, Social-Ability, with the ambition of revolutionising the experiences for people living with cognitive challenges.

I am currently Managing Director of Social-Ability (working with over 1,000 care centres across the UK & Ireland).

Social-Ability runs the Happiness Programme and has expanded to help those not only living with dementia but also living with learning disabilities, in palliative care and in rehabilitation. Social-Ability is currently expanding across Europe and North America.

I am a member of the UK’s National Standards Committee on Ageing Societies and a passionate advocate for raising awareness of the challenges faced when living with cognitive challenges. 

At 12 years old, I experienced first-hand the difficulties of a loved one living with cognitive challenges when my father was diagnosed with dementia. I dedicated my younger years, while studying at Winchester College and French & Linguistics at Oxford University, to helping care for my father until he sadly passed away. Although I started my professional career at Linklaters in London, working as a corporate lawyer (whilst also working on secondment at Goldman Sachs, Unilever and...

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Events 20 Sep 2024 to 26 Sep 2024

Events 20 Sep 2024 to 20 Oct 2024

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